KYBU Meeting

Library Community Room

1/6/15 – 5:00pm

Meeting Notes Corrections:  Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.

Attendees:  Imil, Lew, Mike, and Mary Jane



New People/New Shows

Car Donations Program




Monitor Bad Radio

New People/New Shows: Jay is working on revising some of his old shows and Black history show.  Tomorrow is a basketball show at 6:30pm.

Car Donations Program:  Mary Jane made a brief report on the old car donations program.  The Friends of the Eel River have an old car donation tab on their website with two car donation organizations:  Cars 4 Causes and Center for CAR Donations.  At the SF community radio conference, we met Jacquie Elliott of the Center for CAR Donations.  Soon after the conference, we discussed this offer at one of our weekly meetings.  Jacquie had assured us that they would pick up old cars at our remote location for free and KYBU would receive a small amount of money for each car that was donated.  This matter was brought up again recently at a meeting.  Mary Jane has been in contact with Jacquie and will go forward with the required application for the Center for CAR Donations.  Lew pointed out that we might need a disclaimer that not every old car might be accepted by this program.

AAHP:  It’s been quite a while since our last litter cleanup.  It was decided our next scheduled litter cleanup is for Saturday, January 17.  Mary Jane will ask Emily to post this in the KYBU newsletter.

Dramas:  Mary Jane reported that she will keep checking Radio Theater Project to see if they have added more dramas to be downloaded for the Raven Theater show, which has been off air for about six months pending more dramas.  The website was supposed to have more dramas added in January.  A recent check showed no new dramas have been added yet.

Party:  Lew reported that we grossed $2600, spent $1000, and netted $1700.  We received 11 new memberships and 15 renewals.  Compared to last year, this is just about the same for money and memberships.  Last year’s raffle was more successful.  There was adequate help at the party and cleanup ended at 1:30am.  The music and food were great, and everyone had a good time.  We have about $150 in wine left over.

Monitor Bad Radio:  Lew reported that some people have told him that some announcements (vocals) are not as loud as the shows (music), and he is requesting that people monitor this issue and provide details so something can be done it.

1/6/15 KYBU Meeting