KYBU Meeting
Library Community Room
2/3/15 – 5:00pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Emily, Bob, Jay, Daniel, Mario, Lew, Mary Jane, and Max
New People/New Shows
New Transmitter
Groove Central
Kate Wolf
T-Shirt Contest
Car Donations
Yearend Letters
Chair Pad
Spring Cleanup
New People/New Shows: Mario asked when we will have another party because he would like to do something in April. He has a reggae band for April 11 (two weeks after Ollie’s April event on the third weekend in March).
Per Daniel, the Kate Wolf event is the end of June and he brought the booth application (see more below).
Jay’s black history show is one hour and 20 minutes and will be aired Friday after the basketball game ends around 8:15 (see more below). Jay’s Almanac new shows have started. Per Lew, the February 3 shows has a volume issue probably caused by some spikes. This type of issue can be normalized between peaks. Today’s show was fine. Per Jay, his shows are missing from March 22 to May 1.
Workshop: The upcoming workshop cannot be held in this room but might be held in the studio or on the patio. This might be a good time to install and test the new transmitter.
New Transmitter: To install the new transmitter, we will have to go off air but would announce this ahead. Max and Lew will get together with cables and other parts for the installation and testing. The new transmitter volume would need to be synchronized with the other transmitter. The new transmitter is very simple—a box with one knob that is probably for volume
Basketball: There are two more home games on Friday and Tuesday. Lew needs help for Tuesday. Mario will get back to Lew if he can help Lew with Friday. Max will be there at 8:15 for Jay’s Black History show.
AAHP: The next Adopt-A-Highway Program letter cleanup is scheduled for February 14. The tentative schedule for the year was approved as the second Tuesday every other month.
T-Shirt Contest: Emily made flyers for the t-shirt contest for Mario to distribute. Emily will collect the entries. Deadline for entries is March 1. The selection will be by a blind jury vote on March 3.
Log: Daniel brought up two issues on the log. After putting in some repeats, he experienced a shutdown but was able to restart. Shutdowns can happen anytime. Lew usually does a restart every Wednesday to help avoid this issue. Anyone can help do restarts anytime.
Mike experienced an issue with the second turntable not working. It was suggested we purchase new cartridges for the DJs so they are not ruining their records.
Car Donations Program: There are some concerns about the car donation program. Mary Jane emailed Friends of the Eel River and is waiting for their input about the two car donation programs on their website.
Yearend Letters: Emily reported that the yearend tax-deductible donations letters were mailed out on Saturday before 1pm.
Chair Pad: It was suggested we purchase a chair pad to protest the area where the chairs roll around in the station and muddy boots tread.
Spring Cleanup: We might schedule a spring cleanup of the studio and garden during February workshop.