KYBU volunteers meet weekly in the Library Commons Community room. All are welcome.
Radio Station Meeting
Covelo Library Community Room
4/15/14 – 5pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Max, Josh, Kramer, Emily, Bill, Clyde, Mario, Lew, Susan, Louisa, and Mary Jane
New People/Shows
Bulletin Board
Black Butte Use Permit
Measure “L”
Supervisor Debate
Studio Calendar
Leadership Mendocino County
May 4 Party
June 29 Party
New People/Shows: Mario is still working on his show. Suzanne is doing well in the studio under Max’s training.
Bulletin Board: Susan asked about accessing the bulletin board through the website. Emily announced that folks can listen to the current bulletin board through the website link Be sure to use the misspelled “calandar” and not the correct spelling (calendar). We probably won’t correct the spelling because we will eventually be able to just click on the “Listen” feature on the website instead.
Black Butte Use Permit: Per Lew, Tom asked for use permit support letters to have up to five parties a year at Black Butte, including the annual 4th of July party. Send letters of support to
AAHP: The next KYBU Adopt-A-Highway litter cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 17, 2014. Meet at the coffee shop at 10am. We need to schedule the required annual review by all volunteers of the Caltrans safety DVD, Part 2, in order to continue participation in this program.
Measure “L”: Bill said he had played Mike Gorman’s recording about Measure “L” on two Saturdays. A discussion was held about the FCC’s rules concerning political airings. Emily will put something in the Public File about this.
Supervisors Debate: On Thursday, KMUD is airing a live broadcast at the supervisors debate in Laytonville. Simon would appreciate KYBU help for this event. Lew and Max will talk with Simon and decide when and whether KYBU will rebroadcast or so something else. KMUD news won’t be on because they are working the debate.
Lew asked Max to explain NiceCast (spelling?). It is an inexpensive program that streams at a URL that we can pick up. It’s easy to set up. Kramer is willing to do this on Thursday for the supervisors debate if Max shows him how and if Daniel can be there.
ERT: We are still working on a KYBU ERT (Emergency Response Team). A discussion was held about getting other local entities involved, including the fire department, the Tribes’ Natural Resources Department, which has a fire crew, the Tribal police, the Health Center, CalFire, Ranger Station, KYBU volunteers, and other people in the community. Emily will ask Gabriel to talk to the fire chief. Lew will talk with the Tribal Council. Mary Jane will talk with Janet Raynor of Brooktrails (also a ham operator), who said CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) has funding for EFT training for Covelo and find out what Janet requires for such a training.
Website: Per Emily, the KYBU website now contains all the press releases and announcements that are sent to the station, along with meeting notes. Emily made a phone app for the website and is asking for people’s SmartPhone contact information to test out the phone app.
Leadership Mendocino County: This is a scholastic organization that is coming here (the Commons Room) on Friday, from 1:45 to 2:45pm to meet with our community. Lew and Emily will attend, and others are welcome. This is sponsored by North Coast Opportunities in Ukiah.
May 4 Party: John Gruey is still working on this gala event.
June 29 Party: Bill’s sign board is at Poonkinney and Highway 162. Bill will speak with the landowner to find out about posting the KYBU sign there.