KYBU Meeting
Library Community Room
3/31/15 – 5:00pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Thomas, Max, Alex, Daniel, Mary Jane, Kramer, Emily, and Jay
New People/New Shows
Workshop Report
Career Day
Kate Wolf Festival
Bulletin Board
New People/New Shows: Thomas wants to make a CD. He can make up rap and songs in his head and hopes have a show. Alex invited Thomas to be on her show. Alex made a promo for her show at the recent workshop. Her show starts April 14 at 5pm. She plans to interview Lew and Thomas and learn how to record her shows. She has two thumb drives.
T-Shirts: Emily brought newly-revised t-shirts. Attendees approved the blue shirts and grey shirts for these logos. Robot stickers are being ordered (250 to sell as a limited edition).
NFCB: Emily will find out if we can pay now to reserve four places. Alex wants to attend.
Workshop Report: Cory attended and is working on 2600 reggae songs and learned Audacity. Bill made a promo.
Promos: A discussion was held about defining the required elements of promos to add to the Programmers Guide, such as promos need to be about 60 seconds long and must communicate certain things, such as naming what it is promoting, and must be intelligible. This subject was tabled for further discussion.
Weeding: Emily asked that people bring their own bucket to take back weeds they pull around the radio station since we no longer add them to the neighbor’s compost pile.
Career Day: Emily is going to attend Career Day tomorrow to be held at the high school’s quad and will speak with Angela about getting youth to do a radio show.
Kate Wolf Festival: Daniel has not heard back yet.
Adopt-A-Highway Program: The next litter cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, from 10am to 1pm. Meet at the library building plaza. New volunteers are required by Caltrans to view a brief safety film beforehand.
Bulletin Board: We are still looking for volunteers to take Sandy Wake’s place. The Bulletin Board is covered by Sandy and Sharon until June.
Letters: Attendees stayed after the meeting to stuff envelopes that Emily prepared. Per Emily, in the future, we probably will be sending out envelopes monthly as memberships expire.