Radio Station Meeting

Covelo Library Community Room

4/27/14 – 5pm

Meeting Notes Corrections:  Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to mail@kyburadio.orgPlease note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.

Attendees:  Mike, Max, Emily, Sharon, Dixie, Lew, Bill, Bruce, Josh, John, Clive, and Mary Jane



New People, New Shows

Bulletin Board


May 4 Party

Next Workshop

New People/Shows:  Two new people showed up at the workshop.  They made a metal show promo.  The Raven Theater show will be changed to a half hour soon.  Probably on May 11, but Mary Jane will let Max or Emily know.

Bulletin Board:  Sharon will do the bulletin board for May 3 and will email Sandy about the 10th and the 17th.  Sharon will do the 24th and 31st but is not sure about the 24th.  Emily will email Sharon the current script.

CERT:  A discussion was held about emergency response.  Emily looked at FEMA grants but didn’t find much.   CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) is a good idea but would take a lot of commitment, time, and work.  Sharon will contact the school, Mary Jane will contact the Health Center’s clinic manager, and Gabriel will contact the fire department.  We need to find out what’s already in place and the resources each entity has for a disaster.  We also should contact the Sheriff’s Office.  Mary Jane will bring KMUD’s protocol to the next meeting for further discussion.  We might consider starting with developing our response protocol.

May 4th Party:  Mike played the band’s song last night. Per John Gruey, Madeline Shepard is preparing the food.  She is a recent culinary arts graduate.  Denny will help.  The music is country rock..  We need to advertise it more.  Max left the meeting to go to the studio to create a May 4 party PSA and enter it into the radio scheduling.  Per Emily, he’s a man of action!  Thank you, Max.  Seating for the party will be at 7pm, and the band gets here at 5pm to set up and will play at 9pm.  Per John Gruey, we are well under budget.  Thank you, John, for all your help.  Natalie is doing the bar.  We’ll have two kegs of beer, four cases of fine wine, and two cases of other wine.  Fine wine will be served at the dinner.  John is looking for donations from local gardens of culinary rosemary and parsley.  If you have these to donate, contact him before he leaves to Wednesday to buy the food.  Food prep will start Thursday.  Volunteers are welcome to help.  Call John (983-6108) or email him at He will work on getting walls for the patio and borrowing heaters for the patio since the weather forecast for Sunday is a high of 60.  Everyone, please encourage people to buy their tickets before they run out.

Next Workshop:  It was suggested we have more promo scripts introduce what’s up next.  Emily and Bill will create some promo scripts to record at the next workshop.

4/27/14 KYBU Meeting Notes