Radio Station Meeting

Library Community Room

5/13/14 – 5pm

Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to  Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.

Attendees: Josh, Dixie, Emily, Michael, Lew Max, Mary Jane, and David



New People/New Shows

School Superintendent Statement


June 29th Party

ERT Workshop

Events Calendar


New People/New Shows:

School Superintendent Statement: KYBU will air three five-minute statements on Thursday, 5/14/14, at 8pm

AAHP: The next litter cleanup is scheduled for May 17 and includes the annual reviewing of Part 2 of the Caltrans safety DVD at the Library Commons before carpooling to Inspiration Point. Lew may or may not be able to attend as he will be attending a Tribal Council meeting regarding the bike path funding.

June 29th Party: This is the free KYBU membership drive party scheduled for Sunday, June 29, from 1 to 6pm in the walnut grove park behind the radio station. Emily will contact Joe about getting the liquor license. A discussion was held about party details, such as music bands, decorations, games, piñatas, etc. Emily will ask Olga about food and her renewal and will ask Mary Lou about the dunk tank. Monique has booths and stuff left over from her circus event. We will work on a membership renewal mailing at the next meeting.

ERT Workshop: The next workshop is scheduled for May 27.  Our goal is to form a telephone tree and EFT team. It was suggested we email out the ERT information packet so people can preview it. Mary Jane will bring extra copies of the packet to the workshop. Emily will ask Daniel to email our DJs. Lew will think about creating a PSA.

Events Calendar: Emily announced the KYBU new website’s Round Valley Events calendar is ready to be used. The flyers and posters are ready. We need a PSA for this so people will use it.

Website: Per Emily, the website is coming along. Emily and Rainbow will meet next Friday regarding the charging-online feature.

5/13/14 Meeting Notes