Radio Station Meeting
Library Community Room
6/17/14 – 5pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Lew, Emily, James, Dixie, Duane, Max, Imil, Mary Jane, Joshie, and Daniel
New People/Shows
News at 7:30
Misc.: Duane, a new volunteer, donated outdoor speakers to put outside the studio door. Thanks!
New People/Shows: Current schedule was handed out to attendees for review and discussion. Joshie is moving his show to a different time slot (from 10pm to 4pm) as well as doing the evening weather. Dixie is expanding to two hours to include interviews, discussions, and talking and would like another Ethernet wire installed.
News at 7:30: The same news daily is now gone. Max explained that to stop an event, click on Event (under Playlist) and go to the time of day and uncheck the box. Anyone really wishing to learn how to remove an event is invited to come to the station on Tuesdays from 10am to noon or 1:30 to 4pm or to learn how to make a show, come from 2 to 3pm.
We are still looking for international/world news. Public Radio International has something called “The World”. There are four slots available. Volunteers are invited to help search for free or inexpensive good news as well as search for good half-hour newsy types of programming on since we paid for this service. We’ll follow up on this next week.
We probably can’t use Pink Floyd unless it’s a pod cast because it would require someone to cue it up daily. Emily will get back to the owner about this.
Party: Lew has the posters; however, since the County put up no parking signs for the same time scheduled on the party posters, we decided to cancel the party, keep the supplies, and reschedule the party for the fall. Emily will send out an email about this.
We will keep the workshop schedule for the last Sunday in June. People can park in town on Highway 162. Duane will find out about parking in the Vets building. Apparently the County said we will be able to drive on the street but not make sharp turns on it.
AAHP Sign: Our AAHP litter cleanup route has been extended a bit farther now that Caltrans moved our KYBU sign to where June Marie’s Gift Shop sign post was. It still has bullet hole in it. Apparently the original sign was erroneously misplaced below Inspiration Point. Caltrans said we were supposed to cover a bit more than two miles on both sides because we only clean turnouts but were assigned only two miles. This has been corrected.