Radio Station Meeting
Library Community Room
7/22/14 – 5pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Mary Jane, Jay, Kramer, Lew, Bill, Daniel, Clive, Emily, Judah, Mike, Joshie, and Max
New People/New Shows
Brendan Phillips Flyer
Grant Report Update
News Slots
Sierra Club
License Renewal
Blackberry Festival
Emergency Response Email
New People/Shows: None.
Brandon Phillips Flyer: Daniel passed around a flyer for the event. Brandon Phillips and others will be playing at the Land Trust on Saturday, August 9.
AAHP: The July 19th litter cleanup was cancelled and tentatively rescheduled for August 9th. Mary Jane will check this date out with Dee Mullen and get back to volunteers.
Grant Report Update: Emily reported that she received an email notice that we did a very good job on our grant report and we can apply for future grants. Lew will check with the Friends to see if they plan to apply as we don’t want to compete with the Friends. If not, we would like to apply for emergency backup equipment. Per Emily, there is a $5,000 grant limit. Sheriff Allman’s office made the $1000 check out to the Friends towards our purchase of a generator.
News Slots: Max will pick some shows and run them for a while to get feedback. Max is open for suggestions. Emily suggests Between the Lines, and Clive suggested The Mosaic.
Sierra Club: The Sierra Club program is working again. It airs on Mondays at 11 o’clock.
License Renewal: Mary Jane will check with Imil about the status of the license renewal.
Blackberry Festival: Emily passed around a signup sheet for volunteers to help at the KYBU booths by sell stuffing and talking to people. We will need extra tables and chairs.
Emergency Response Email: Emily received an email from Mendocino County Health and Human Services Agency’s donation of a 75-bed emergency shelter trailer and offer to train local people. Mary Jane received a response from the Round Valley Indian Health Center’s clinic manager that clinic staff member Rose Abono will be attending an H&HAS meeting next week and will bring this subject up.