Radio Station Meeting
Library Community Room
8/05/14 – 5pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Mary Jane, Blair, Emily, Dixie, Daniel, Sharon, Clive, Ryan, Max, Lew, Eric and Bill
New People/New Shows
Blackberry Festival
9/14 Party
7:30 Slot
Brandon Phillips Update
Bulletin Board
California Indian Days
NV-1 Sponsorship
Fire PSAs
Supervisors Meeting
New People/Shows: Per Max, Arvid made one new show about a month ago. Lew is working with Arvid on his organizational difficulties. We want to talk informally with the inactive DJs, find out what’s going on with them, be supportive, and possibly set protocol later.
Blair would like a one hour show every other week to do live phone interviews with winter and fall business farmers. She has a computer, is computer literate, will download the free program Audacity, and attend our workshop. She would eventually like to make podcasts of her show. She is not in a hurry as she has a lot on her plate now.
Blackberry Festival: Emily passed around a signup sheet. A discussion was held about scheduling live interviews of the musicians and other groups at the top of each hour.
9/14 Party: The dual purpose of the party is PR and fundraising through membership renewals and donations. The charge card feature of our new website is not up yet. Max will call the people about this matter. Per Daniel, the Candalaria band will be in this area. They’ll be in Portland on the 17th and Willits on the 20th. This is a six-person Latin band from Oakland for $1200 with their sound guy (see their website). Daniel will contact them with our meeting input.
Per Max, we will need the alcohol license about a month before the event and can do the paperwork at the Blackberry Festival. Someone will need to pick up the license at the Sheriff’s Office. We need to speak with Olga about food. We could try to get beer and wine donations. Per Emily, we have about $7,000 in the bank. Lew will write up a wish list after Emily sends him the PGE bills. We could put the wish list on a poster board showing our goals. We could promote the party at the Blackberry Festival. Emily will bring a quote for the award ceremony.
Football: Per Lew, the high school varsity team will have four or five home games starting in September. On August 18, Bill will start the school’s program again. We will need Ron Lincoln’s help and someone in the studio for airing the games. Max is willing to train someone in the studio on Tuesday.
7:30 Slot: Per Max, all the programs are full. Thank you, Max, for all your work on loading these shows. Tonight, the first one will air. The new shows are: Between the Lines, Cultural Baggage, California Report (on Friday), Food Sleuth, and Informa Tivo Pacifica (Spanish world news). We will need to update the schedule. Per Max, the “no genre zone” is kind of pointless. We will lose the folk set with the new slots. We have about 6,000 folk songs and need a curator for them and to bump them up to an hour. Daniel is willing to be the curator and come in on Tuesday for Max to train him.
Brandon Phillips Update: Per Daniel, Brandon postponed coming to play due to a family crisis. We need a PSA about the postponement. Emily will remove the old PSA about this and put the postponement notice on the Bulletin Board.
Bulletin Board: Both Sharon and Sandy cannot do the 18th. Sandy cannot do the 25th, so Sharon will take that.
AAHP: Emily will put the AAHP cleanup scheduled for Saturday (August 9) into the newsletter.
California Indian Days: The Health Fair is September 26. Per Eric, on the 27th and 28th at Hidden Oaks Park, there will be carnival rides, a live band, the RV park, 5 prefab cabins (2 are duplexes), ball games, a horseshoe tournament, and more, Eventually, they will have about 15 or 20 RV hookups at $30 or so a night. There is no internet connection there this year. The motel is fully booked for Indian Days and the Blackberry Festival. The radio station doesn’t know yet what it can do for Indian Days. We could at least announce winners.
NV-1: We need to attend a Tuesday meeting to talk with the Tribes about sponsoring this program, especially since the providers now are asking us to pay something for the programming.
Promos: Per Max, there used to be several categories for PSAs and now are just three categories: human, automated, and station. When you take them down, you need to label them PSA.
Fire PSA: If the fire jumps the river, we will do more but for now, KMUD is covering the fires very well. Emily checks the CalFire daily reports and posts them on the website. We could do PSAs, such as tips about the smoky air for people with asthma and other breathing problems.
Supervisors Meeting: There didn’t seem to be much advertisement about the Supervisors meeting scheduled for tomorrow at 9am in the library commons room to discuss fracking. We should attend.