Radio Station Meeting

Covelo Library Community Room

9/2/14 – 5pm

Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.

Attendees: Clive, Ryan, Bill, Mary Jane, Emily, Max, Dixie, Daniel, Joey, Lew, and David



New People/New Shows

Workshop Update

9/14 Party



Bulletin Board

Rodeo Parade

Indian Days

New People/Shows: Joey wants to do a show and has shadowed several times. He will need to prepare four shows.

Workshop Update: Four PSAs were made for shows. Emily showed Mary Jane how to rerun a drama show, helped search for dramas online, and helped download a security service for her laptop.

9/14 Party (1-6pm):

  • Emily passed around a volunteer signup sheet.
  • She has more posters available and stickers with the correct band name for the posters (Candelaria).
  •  Mario could help set up local bands’ equipment.
  • Emily will let Bill know if the Poonkinney-162 party sign is ready.
  • Piñatas are ready to be stuffed.
  • Emily has 50 key chains to award with 35 names on the list for key chains so far. She passed around the names list and asked attendees to write down names of others who should be added. Mary Jane will try to get Emily the AAHP volunteer names.
  • There will be check-in tables for current members and signing up new members.
  • Tabatha and friends will handle booths.
  • There will be a toilet tissue toss, corn hole game, pie toss, and other attractions.
  • Joey will make the easel for the pie toss and two for photo ops.
  • A discussion was held and some changes were made to Emily’s draft stage schedule.
  • Mickey the Clown will emcee.
  • Per Max, Olga went to LA but he will keep checking to see if she’s back and still wants to do the food. We might talk with Madeline as a food provider backup in exchange for her being an underwriter.
  • Emily will remember to bring change.
  • Bill, Mary Jane, and Sharon will bring coolers. Ryan will do a PSA.

Complaints: Bill called Chris about Bill’s missing board. Chris hung up twice on Bill. Bill still doesn’t know whether Chris intends to return the board.

Speaker: Clive reported that some guy who said he lived around the station complained that the speaker volume was too loud and shouldn’t be on all night. Since other people have said they really like the speaker, we will find a way to make sure the speaker dial is set at 9 o’clock.

Football: Lew will engineer the four games. Mitch and Julian will emcee the games. Lew needs a couple of volunteers to help him. The games are September 6 and 20, October 24, and November 1. Ryan is willing to help with September 6.

Bulletin Board: Sandy will do the week of the 8th and 15th, and Sharon will do the 22nd and 29th.

Candidates: Sharon reported that since Paul pulled out of the race, we don’t need to record anybody.


Rodeo Parade Update: There were five floats, including KYBU’s on David’s shiny-clean truck with Robot DJ, Emily and others. KYBU received a medal. Photos are on KYBU Facebook page.

Indian Days: Emily will pass around a volunteer signup sheet at the programmers meeting following this meeting at 6:30pm here in the Library’s Commons Room.





9/2/14 KYBU Meeting Notes