September 10, 2014 Immediate |
Jackson Demonstration State Forest
Campground and Firewood Area Closure and Mushroom Permit Update
Fort Bragg– California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Mendocino Unit is preparing for the Fall season at Jackson Demonstration State Forest (JDSF) by announcing changes in the mushroom permit program as well as scheduling seasonal campground, road and firewood area closures.
Mushroom Permits: All individuals collecting mushrooms on JDSF must have a permit. Permits are issued for a 12-month period (July 1– June 30) annually from the JDSF Fort Bragg office. A new permit process has been established to enhance resource protection measures. There is a single annual fee of $20.00 for an individual permit. The permit entitles the permittee to gather mushrooms on JDSF for either commercial or personal use with no daily collection limit. Special Use permits for educational institutions may be arranged by contacting staff.
Campground Closure: The seasonal closure of JDSF campgrounds is scheduled for Monday, September 29, 2014. Wet weather could require the closure of the campgrounds sooner. If you have any questions about the status of the campgrounds, please contact our office.
Firewood Area Closure: The designated area for firewood cutting will also close on September 29, or first significant rain, whichever occurs first. After the closure, all firewood cutting on the Forest is prohibited.
Seasonal Road Closures: Effective on Wednesday October 15, 2014, except as noted below, all State Forest roads within Jackson Demonstration State Forest will be closed to unauthorized public vehicular traffic in accordance with Sections 1431 and 1438, Title 14, California Code of Regulations. The road closure prohibits the use of all unauthorized motorized vehicles, including motorcycles and ATVs. Roads may still be used for hiking, bicycling, and horseback riding. It is always unlawful to operate unlicensed vehicles (including off-road vehicles with or without green stickers) on State Forest roads. Off-road travel with motorized vehicles is not permitted on the State Forest.
This is a seasonal closure that protects forest roads from damage during wet weather. Please do not drive on roads that are wet and have soft surfaces, even if they are not formally closed. Road and stream damage can occur from rutting and erosion. It is not safe to drive on roads with slippery surfaces. Please help us protect your forest resources.
The following roads will generally remain open throughout the winter, but may be closed periodically without further notice depending on road and weather conditions:
- Road 100 (closed at the property line at the north end)
- Road 130 (closed at Road 1000 at the north end)
- Road 200
- Road 250 (closed at Road 1000 at the north end)
- Road 350 (only as far as the Egg Collection Station/Camp One Day Use Area)
- Road 500
- Road 700 to Mendocino Woodlands State Park
- Roads 800 (to the property line)
- Road 810
- Road 900 only to Road 810
Information regarding camping and other recreational activities such as mushroom gathering on JDSF is available at the CAL FIRE Fort Bragg office located at 802 North Main Street, Fort Bragg, CA or by calling (707) 964-5674 during the following hours: Monday through Friday from 8-12 & 1-5. Our website is:
Multiple uses of JDSF for a wide variety of activities that benefit the public, the economy and natural resources are what our demonstration forests are all about.