Ukiah, California…November 15, 2016 MENDOCINO COUNTY ENHANCES AVAILABILITY TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS RESOURCES On November 15, 2016, the Mendocino County Executive Office will launch a new online Boards and Commissions resource on the County webpage: The Board of Supervisors encourages
Forest road construction update
Forest road construction update WILLOWS, Calif.; October 12, 2016 – For Immediate Release – Mendocino National Forest officials would like to take this opportunity to provide an update about road construction across the forest including the completion of several projects,
Week of May 16 on Native America Calling
Monday, May 16, 2016 – Keeping our kids safe Protecting children is a top priority for most families. As communities mourn the recent abduction and murder of young Navajo girl, we’ll take a moment to discuss how we can protect
Week of May 9 on Native America Calling
Monday, May 9, 2016 – Putting Pe’ Sla into trust State and tribal governments are currently clashing over a sacred area known as Pe’ Sla or ‘The Heart of All That Is’. The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved putting the
Week of May 2 on Native America Calling
Monday, May 2, 2016 – Reading and Writing in our Native Languages First we learn to talk. And then comes reading and writing. In Native America, tribes and tribal members are working hard to revitalize and speak our Native languages.
Week of April 11 on Native America Calling
Monday, April 11 2016 – Do you fear the police? The fatal police shooting of a Navajo woman in Winslow, Arizona is raising questions again about interactions with police. Officials say she threatened the officer with scissors when stopped during
Week of March 28 on Native America Calling
Monday, March 28, 2016 – Children and parents coping with hearing impairment As many as 5 out of every 1,000 children have some type of hearing loss, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Causes range from genetics
Week of March 21 on Native America Calling
Monday, March 21 2016 – Carbon Credits in Native America Can you buy forgiveness for environmental damage? Carbon credits offer opportunities for companies and even individuals to balance out their greenhouse gas emissions by paying another entity that promises to
Week of March 14 on Native America Calling
Monday, March 14 2016 – Glass Art in Native America Forming glass from sand has ancient roots. But using glass in art is a relatively new medium for Native American artists. Those who work with glass turn traditional images, shapes,
Week of February 15 on Native America Calling
Monday, February 15, 2016 – Best and worst presidents As the nation ponders the election of the 45th president later this year, we take time on this President’s Day to consider the previous 44 office holders. Who are regarded as