Ukiah, California… July 19, 2016
County Job Fair Exceeds Expectations
In order to promote County jobs and work toward filling the many existing vacancies, the County of Mendocino Human Resources Department hosted the first ever County Job Fair on July 15, 2016. The free event was held at the County Administration building in Ukiah and was attended by more than 300 job seekers. Most every County department participated and had staff available to talk with job seekers and provide information about the variety of positions in their departments.
According to Human Resources Director, Heidi Dunham, the event was attended by more than 300 job seekers and it was a huge success. “We had both local and out of the area attendees, with individuals looking for positions as social workers, road workers, probation officers, and customer service representatives.” One couple she spoke to are planning to relocate to Mendocino County and traveled to Ukiah from Berkeley to speak with representatives of the Sheriff’s Department about their job openings. Carmel Angelo, Mendocino County Chief Executive Officer, said regarding the success of the event, “The interest in our County jobs was very diverse. It was very exciting to see the amount of talent and experience walking through our doors in people who want to come to work for our County.”
During the event, Human Resources staff worked with applicants in the County’s IT training room to allow public access to computers and facilitate real time applications. 110 job applications were submitted during the Job Fair, and another 71 applications have been received as of Tuesday morning. “Our staff will be very busy over the next few weeks as we review and screen applications, schedule interviews, and work with departments to fill as many of their openings as possible” Dunham said.
Community partners, North Coast Opportunities, MPIC, Mendocino College, and Marymount University were on-site to provide information about their programs and assist attendees with job search related needs.
“This event was a big success. We will definitely be doing it again” Dunham said.