ERRP is working with the Round Valley Elementary School to offer a three part stream ecology training and field study opportunity. We would greatly appreciate your participation in any phase of this.
Wednesday March 2, Principal Rick Kale and his staff have asked for our Aquatic Insect field training from 2:15-4:00. We will be traveling to stream side in private vehicles. Contact me for carpool.
–Aquatic insects are good indicators of stream health. Students can identify the insects to Order and possibly to Family and, using a ranking system designed by scientists, they can see how many insects are present that indicate good quality habitat, and/or poor quality habitat. Insects can be used to learn about adaptations to micro-habitats, life cycles, and food webs.
–The specific trees and plants in the riparian area can also be used to learn about adaptations, native vs. invasive species, and plant life cycles.
Saturday March 19, Diane Higgins will conduct a training for Project Wild Aquatic (Grades K-12) and for Growing Up Wild (Ages 3-7). This is open to all interested people in the community, teachers included. The training for each manual will take 4 hours. People can attend only one, or both. We will need a rough head count so I can order the manuals.
The School Field Trip day is not yet scheduled. We will be working with the Principal and District staff to arrange this. We will need community volunteers to make this as valuable an experience as possible. We will also integrate other learning groups.
Elementary School Stream and Ecology Training