KYBU Meeting
Library Community Room
4/7/15 – 5:00pm
Meeting Notes Corrections: Committee members who wish to correct these meeting notes, please send corrections to Please note that these are not minutes but personal notes that are not necessarily accurate or complete but hopefully helpful.
Attendees: Lew, Emily, Alex, Dane, Mary Jane, Daniel, and Max
New People/New Shows
Career Day
Brendon Phillips
Health Center Matters
Leadership Mendocino
Show Promo Guidelines
New People/New Shows: Dane brought information about the Tribes’ Earth Day event planning meeting and a request for a raffle donation from KYBU for the Tribes’ upcoming Earth Day event at Hidden Oaks Park on April 22. We will donate a KYBU shirt. We have one promo by Bill Cull for the event planning meeting and will do another one for the event. We will contact Eloisa that we may or may not have a booth at the event. Lew can take a call from the vent on his 2pm show for interviews from the event or someone giving a tour of what’s happening there.
Max reported that John Mancinellli is working on a show and will train Mirabelle (spelling?) and that Bob has recorded a show today and should have four shows in a month or so.
Alex is getting more training and doing more preparation for her April 14 show at 5pm. Marjo will be a first music guest and is willing to be a regular.
Dane may do a live Earth Day promo on Alex’s show. He will check with Eloisa about doing that.
Andy Orford’s monthly show (Jazz Frontiers) was heard on Saturday.
AAHP: The next KYBU Adopt-A-Highway Program is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, from 10am to 1pm. Mary Jane will send our participation information back to Caltrans as part of the annual Great American Cleanup event.
Career Day: Lew, Alex, and Emily attended this event. Emily reported that two teachers are excited to get youth involved with radio on projects such as news reporting, senior walk round-up, and getting radio club going at the high school.
Brendon Phillips: Daniel reported that Brendan has a trio that will perform in San Diego and then at the Kate Wolf Festival. Daniel will find out when they want to be here. Some suggestions offered were to have a midweek fundraising summer party, a July 4th weekend at Black Butte, or a pre-Kate Wolfe festival and get as many other bands as possible to come here. Alex offered her two extra rooms at her place and suggested the rec hall for $125 for a winter party.
T-Shirts: Emily reported our San Francisco shirt guy is back. The cost is $6.80 per shirt, no postage, and $120 for setup, for a total of $1500 to order 96 each of the two shirt designs (about 200 shirts). The shirts will cost us about $8 a shirt. Last time, we had only one color; this time we have two colors.
NFCB: Emily reported that the workshops have changed to: Fundraising and Capital Campaigns; Programming and Race, and Tech Lab. The summit is scheduled for Thursday (6pm registration and reception with live performances) and Friday (8am registration and continental breakfast, followed by the opening and keynote address, a short break, then Plenary, lunch from noon to 1:30, then a keynote address, workshops from 2:30 to 4, and a closing roundtable from 4 to 5pm. Saturday is optional (9am to noon field trip to Strawberry Music Festival for a KVMR session on producing live broadcast events).
Health Center Matters: Neil Davis, a part-time public health nurse at the clinic, wants to do a monthly half-hour show. He lives in Willits and works here on Wednesdays and Thursdays. It was suggested the show would play twice (on a Saturday at 7:30pm and again on Sunday at 8:30am). Daniel is willing to meet Neil at the station.
Leadership Mendocino: Heidi Dickerson and the Leadership Mendocino class are coming here with others on a bus next Friday, April 17, at 2pm, to talk in the Library Commons room. Dane helped previously with organizing all of them and will contact her.
Bus: A brief discussion was held about bus service between Covelo and Ukiah.
Show Promo Guidelines: Emily’s draft promo guidelines were approved with a few suggested changes. She will insert the guidelines into the Programmers Guide. It was decided that any new guidelines should be displayed for a month on the engineering room on the window between it and the recording room.