Beginning Saturday, Nov. 1, Christmas tree permits will be available from the Mendocino National Forest for the 2014 holiday season.

Permits are available for purchase in person or by mail from Mendocino National Forest offices, as well as at area vendors. Vendors are listed below with contact information for the Forest Service.

Permits are $10 per tree at Forest Service offices. Customers are advised to call vendors to verify permit price and availability. The permits will be sold at Forest Service offices through Tuesday, Dec. 23. Trees may be cut and removed any day of the week in authorized areas of the Mendocino National Forest. Please check current forest fire closure areas in case your annual tree cutting spot is within the closure.

There is a limit of one permit per household, with each permit using a valid name and address. Up to four additional permits may be purchased for additional households, using separate names and addresses. Individuals must be 18 or older to purchase a permit. All Christmas tree permit sales are final, with no refunds. Permittees will receive a tree tag and forest map.

To purchase a permit by mail, send a printed name and mailing address for each permit purchased, a daytime telephone number, and a check or money order made out to “USDA Forest Service” for $10 for each permit to either the Willows, Stonyford, Upper Lake or Covelo offices with “Christmas Tree Permit” written on the outside of the envelope. Mail-in requests received after Dec. 14 will not be filled. A form can be found online at under “Christmas Tree Permits.”