News Release
March 2, 2016

Open comment period for Mendocino National Forest’s OHV Grant Applications
WILLOWS, Calif. – The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Mendocino National Forest have maintained a successful partnership for over 30 years.  This partnership has provided funding assistance for the management of off-highway vehicle (OHV) recreation on National Forest System lands through the California State OHV Grants and Cooperative Agreements Program.  Current regulations mandated by the State of California require annual public participation in this fund allocation process.
The purpose of this notice is to share information and to solicit public input specific to the Mendocino National Forest’s upcoming grant application for the State’s 2015-2016 grant cycle.  These grants will support ongoing OHV management activities, with categories including Ground Operations (trail maintenance and facility operation and maintenance) and Law Enforcement.
“The Mendocino National Forest offers over 200 miles of designated OHV trails, providing exciting riding opportunities for a wide range of ability levels and vehicle types. In addition, over 1,300 miles of roughly graded roads are available for use by off-highway vehicle enthusiasts,” said Forest Engineer Shannon Pozas.  “We appreciate your support and comments on our grant request.  Your comments will help the State determine the level of funding to provide the Mendocino National Forest for ongoing trail maintenance, facility maintenance and law enforcement.”
In order to view and comment on the Mendocino National Forest’s Preliminary grant application, please visit the State of California website at then click the grants tab.  Additionally, a link to the State’s website may be found on the Mendocino National Forest website at  Comments may be provided between March 8 and April 4, 2016.  Instructions for providing comments can be found on the State of California website.

Open comment period for Mendocino National Forest’s OHV Grant Applications