Reminder: Burn Permits Suspended

WILLITS – With cooler temperatures and the possibility of precipitation CAL FIRE Mendocino Unit Chief Christopher P. Rowney wants to remind everyone that residential and open outdoor burning permits are still suspended. The suspension will remain in effect until formally cancelled.

Although the change in weather is welcome amid California’s extremely dry conditions, it will do little to ease the current hazardous fuel conditions. That will require significant wet storms for an extended period of time.

Chief Rowney explained, “Mendocino County fire history shows that suspending debris burning is an effective way of preventing wildfires that result from debris burn escapes. Although all fires cannot be prevented through a burning suspension, their numbers can be significantly reduced. This is particularly critical in our current situation.”

CAL FIRE Mendocino continues to ask residents to do their part to prevent wildfires; “one less spark – one less wildfire”. For more information on how to prepare for wildfires, go to

Reminder: Burn Permits Suspended