Monday, August 10, 2015 – Challenges to ICWA

The Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, or ICWA, was passed in response to a high number of adoptions of Native American children by non-Natives. The law requires the government to notify the tribes and include them in the process of adoptions and placement of American Indian or Alaska Native children. In July, the Goldwater Institute filed a civil rights class action complaint in the District Court of Arizona against the Department of the Interior and the Arizona Department of Child Safety asking that parts of ICWA, and the BIA guidelines on ICWA, be declared unconstitutional. The organization asserts that ICWA is “legally sanctioned race-based discrimination” and forces Indian children to “remain in dangerous and abusive homes.” But opponents say ICWA is the gold standard for child welfare law and continues to provide protections for Native children. Where do you stand? What is the future for the Indian Child Welfare Act? Guests: Clint Bolick – vice president for litigation at the Goldwater Institute, Mark Flatten – national investigative journalist at the Goldwater Institute, Sarah Kastelic (Alutiiq) – executive director for the National Indian Child Welfare Association, and Matthew Newman – staff attorney for the Native American Rights Fund.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015 – Staying Physically Active While Living With Disability

Although people with physical disabilities have some limitations and challenges, it’s important that they are physically active. It promotes strong muscles, coordination and relieves stress, according the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. For people born with physical disabilities, and those with new disabilities, being active can be difficult. Are there more challenges to face in Native America for people with physical disabilities? Are there opportunities for people with physical disabilities to be active in Native communities? What can family members, friends and the community do to improve opportunities for physical activity for those with physical disabilities?

Guests: Joseph Ray (Laguna, Zuni and Maidu) – independent living specialist regarding people with disabilities and a member of the disabilities subcommittee of National Congress of American Indians and Noah Blue Elk Hotchkiss (Southern Ute, Southern Cheyenne and Caddo) – Native American ambassador for Disabled Sports USA.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015 – Marc Brown & The Blues Crew

This month Native blues will ricochet out of Studio 49 as the Marc Brown and the Blues Crew join our Native airwaves. “Still Got the Blues” is the 12th album released by the band’s front man Marc Brown, a Koyukon Athabaskan from the Huslia Tribe musician. This collection of music is a solid invitation to the dancefloor for any blues lover. We invite you to get down with us and our August Music Maker.

Follow this conversation with our hashtag: #NATIVEblues

Thursday, August 13, 2015 – Community Healing after Tragic Crime

Several violent events in Native America were recently put in the national spotlight. Two Native Americans, Rexdale Henry and Sarah Lee Circle Bear, died while in police custody. A shooting on the Crow Indian Reservation in Montana and one on Wind River Reservation in Wyoming left family and community members in shock. What do you think is needed to make our communities safer? How can communities heal after violent crimes? Guest:

LeMoine LaPointe(Sicangu Lakota) – coordinator for the Indigenizing Crisis Intervention Teams in Indian Country Initiative.

Friday, August 14, 2015 – Metal Music of Native America

Is your hair long for the sole purpose of headbanging? Then you are a metalhead. It takes a certain kind of person to fall in love with metal music and a certain kind of person to make it as a musician. Thrashing sounds, heavy guitar riffs and screaming vocals gets the blood of fans pumping. It can also scare others. In this show, we put the spotlight on Native metal musicians and discuss how this genre connects to Native America.


Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.

The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.

Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848.
Week of August 10 on Native America Calling