Monday, July 14, 2014 – Alcohol near the reservation
Some members of the Navajo Nation are raising concernsabout liquor licenses in Sanders, Arizona. The establishments selling liquor are on private land, surrounded by the Navajo Nation. Community activists hope violence and alcohol related deaths will decline if those liquor licenses are not renewed. How do you feel about selling alcohol right next to your reservation or village? Is the sale of alcohol banned in your community but legal nearby? Do you think there is a way to resolve tension over alcohol sales near Native communities? Why or why not?
Tuesday, July 15, 2014 – Taught You How To Cook
Food connects us to our families and our communities. Today we call all cooks in Native America to join us with your stories about the person who taught you how to cook. What was the first thing you ever made from scratch? Were you young when you learned to cook or did you pick up cooking as an adult? Join our conversation and tell us the best cooking tips you’ve learned from mom or dad, elders in your family, aunties and uncles or friends.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 – Do You Have Enough Water?
Water is a crucial resource. Do you have enough water in your area to support people, animals and the environment? Are you dealing with the impact of reduced access to water? In this hour, we will hear how tribes are using water settlements with the federal government to ensure greater control over water resources. Has your tribe accepted a water settlement in recent years? What challenges do you see in the future for water management in your community?
Thursday, July 17, 2014 – Birth Control
Last month, the US Supreme Court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby over religious objections to certain types of birth control. Access to contraception is a hot topic in many communities, including in Native America. Do you have concerns about the use of birth control pills or IUDs? Do you feel employers should be required to provide birth control for employees through their health insurance plans? Is birth control a human right? Join us for a conversation about access to contraception. Guests include Miss Nikke Alex (DinĂ©) sex blogger and law student, Charon Asetoyer (Comanche) executive director of the Native American Women’s Health Education Resource Center.
Friday, July 28, 2014 – Taking It Outdoors
Summer means outdoor time for many Native families. Do you go camping each summer? Do you camp out while attending powwows or other events and celebrations? We want to hear your best camping stories! What are your favorite, and least favorite, camping memories? What are your best camping tips? And who pitches the tent when you camp?
Native America Calling is a national call-in program that invites guests and listeners to join a dialogue about current events, music, arts, entertainment and culture.
The program is hosted by Tara Gatewood (Isleta Pueblo) and airs live each weekday from 1-2 pm Eastern.
Join the conversation by calling 1-800-996-2848